Esquema de una magnesita pseudohexagonal de hábito tabular ...
Descripción: Esquema de una magnesita pseudohexagonal de hábito tabular de St. Pandelon, Landes, Aquitaine, Francia. Tomado de V. von Goldschmidt, Atlas der Krystallformen, Vol. 5, Heidelberg 1918, tabla 109, fig. 8. Reproducido con autorización: The original content for this book is in the public domain, however the scans of this book and this compilation are copyright © LLC 2005. All Rights Reserved. [...] You ARE permitted to print out copies of the Atlas, either in part or in full and to redistribute these on a non-commercial basis (eg for mineral clubs, etc), and you are free to re-use crystal drawings from this book in print or on the web (as long as the original PDF files or direct conversions of these are not made available for download).